Real estate

We have extensive experience acting for both buyers and sellers of property in Rwanda.
Being well versed with the nuances of Rwanda land ownership, tenancy laws and procedural matters, we are able to assist clients as they formalize and complete property transactions in Rwanda.

Our advice and assistance includes the following :

    Undertaking title due diligence in connection with property transactions
    Drafting and negotiating of property sale and purchase agreements
    Liaising with the regulatory authorities and and effecting the registration of new ownership and title
    Providing advice on succession and inheritance arrangements in connection with real estate ownership in Rwanda
    Advising on escrow arrangements in connection with property transactions
    Advising residential landlords and tenants in connection with tenancy arrangements
    Advising commercial clients on commercial and industrial tenancy arrangements
    Advising on retail leasing arrangements, including turnover rent arrangements, lease termination and handover arrangements
    Advising on real estate dispute resolution

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